Who's To Blame?
It amazes me (but does not surprise me) the way the Tea Party is portrayed as the obstructionists in any debt "negotiation" or other "negotiation" or "compromise".
President Obama yesterday stated that there is faction in Congress (tea partiers) who refuses "to put country ahead of party." What a load of crap! The irony here is that the Tea Partiers are the only faction in Congress who are putting the needs of their country ahead of the needs or desires of their party. The proof is in the pudding: just look at the way establishment Republicans scramble to distance themselves from these people. Look at the headaches these folks gave Boehner and other party leaders.
The Tea Partiers stand on principles, and those principles do not include running this nation into the ground with irresponsible spending and the continual whittling away of liberty. They are a faction of the Republican party only because the Republicans are the closest to this way of thinking. But they do not support Republican candidates or ideas simply because they are Republicans. On the contrary, more Republicans support Tea Party ideas because those ideas are grounded in truth, morality, and fact.
You may disagree with the notion that liberty requires responsible spending, and fewer government restrictions (although you would be a moron... but we'll save that for another day); but to blame the Tea Party for the breakdown in "negotiations" is simply disingenuous.
It is interesting that Tea Partiers were the only faction that passed any legislation that could have prevented the downgrade before Congress' last second scramble to save their jobs. And it is interesting how quickly those ideas were dismissed, without so much as a discussion in the Senate. Hmmm... was the discussion on the House bill muffled because Democrats were looking to compromise? That notion is an oxymoron. Senate debate on the bill never happened because Democrats were not willing to consider any idea that did not agree with their liberal principles. So who really obstructed the debt "negotiations"?