Dennis Hastert should resign. It is, after all, his fault that Foley sent crude emails to a page. I mean, his name is Foley. Come on! Wasn't there some Saturday Night Live guy named Foley? Oh, it was Farley? (Close enough.) You know, Saturday Night Live... "SNL". Young page boys. Connect the dots. Jeesh, Hastert, you should have seen that one coming from a mile away.
You should have taken Foley's computer away from him last year, and hired an independent Democrat to conduct all of Foley's computer transactions. And then you should have hired a babysitter to sit with Foley at all times, and to read all of Foley's outgoing mail to be sure that the man did not attempt in any way to interact with young people. Heck, you should have just canned Foley right then, when it first came to your attention that Foley was inquiring into the well-being of a page who had been affected by Katrina. That should be enough to tip anyone off that he is a pervert looking to entice young men into a sexually explicit relationship. If you can't make that connection, then you just shouldn't be Speaker of the House.
So bye, bye Denny, you should have made that connection. At the very least, you should have gone to the House Democrat majority leader and at least told her then that there was some scandal going on in the House, and you think that maybe it was better if she just took over as speaker right then and there. That would have been the right thing to do.
Or maybe you should have just convinced Foley that if he wished to pursue that course of action, he needed to go ahead and jump sides then, so he wouldn't be held to the same standards as real people. In fact, if you had given him that advice, he could still have his seat right now. None of this would have come to light. And if it had, it would have been a mild, quiet little talk w/ Ms. Pelosi, and then maybe some public apology, and the calls for forgiveness would have gone out to have pity on this poor man who has been forced to suppress his pedophilia his entire life, and now that he is a Democrat, he is finally free to be what he has always been.
Yeah, Dennis. With all those options, you chose instead to confront the man and warn him to refrain from any further communications with the pages. You chose, instead, to remind him that that was a violation of the Congressional rules and that he must stop such actions immediately. You chose instead to heed the wishes of the parents of the page, and not pursue this publicly. Shame on you, Dennis Hastert, for your reasonable attempts to nip this in the bud right away.
Thank you, Washington Times, for being the first to call for his resignation. One with such an impeccable record of cleaning your own house of perverts should certainly be the first to throw stones inside your glass house.
And, of course, thank you, ABC News, for sitting on this information for so long, when the well-being of a young, high-school page was in jeopardy. Of course, we understand that the release of this information, which you had obviously had for quite some time (and which evidenced that a young high-school page was in jeopardy) only coincidentally came to light just as Congress was wrapping up its final session and getting ready to head into the campaign season. Being the responsible journalistic types that you are, this information (which you sat on for so long while the well-being of a young high-school page was in jeopardy) was of course made public with the sole purpose of informing the public that a young high-school page's well-being was in jeopardy, and something needed to be done right away (or months after it came to your attention that a young high-school page's well being was in jeopardy). There's a reason more people get their news from ABC News than from any other source. It is always so fresh!