Monday, October 23, 2006


The Dem's have finally come out with their "here's what we'll tell voters we will do after we win the elections" list.

And, suprise, it includes cutting and running, cutting the military, spending money on investigating the military, hog-tying the administration up in committee hearings (Dem's like committee hearings), and spend, spend, spend. Oh yeah, and spending other people's money along the way, in the form of a minimum wage increase. Wow, $7.25 an hour. Where in the he** did they get that figure? Is there some magic formula that you can plug some concrete numbers into and get a minimum wage? Or, while in the process of searching for their heads, did they just pull it out of their a**(butt)? I mean, sure, here in the heartland, that is not a bad increase. Still won't pay the bills, but it sure beats that old $6.25 or whatever it is now. But some place like California or Illinois, you can hardly buy a snort with that.

So you go, Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, you go girl. Way to set a priority. Before you can even increase taxes, you'll make sure you increase payrolls, plummet the stock market, and really stick it to those evil imperialist pigs who keep this economy rolling.

Vote Democrat. Then roll over.

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