The Last Minute Voter Guide
1. McCain has experience: served in the Senate since the early 80's, served in the armed forces, as a commander, for years before that, served in Vietnam.
a. Obama gave a speech in 2002. Obama was a Senator for 2 years (his last two years are hardly worth counting).
2. John has judgment: As a captive in Vietnam, under the harshest of conditions, John chose to respect those with whom he associated rather than taking advantage of his position.
b. When faced with the embarrassment of his prior close associations, Barak's leadership style proved to be to turn his back on those associations, even his longtime preacher.
3. John has courage: John chose to serve his country in Vietnam. Rather than give up and give in to his captors, John persevered thru some of the worst imaginable torture. Against strong opposition to a president and mainstream supporters of his own party, John spoke out against cruel torture, even of terrorists. Early in his Senate career, he bucked the very president whom he admired, Ronald Reagan, and opposed certain efforts in the middle east.
c. Barak associated with known terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. When he could have stood up for the nation of Israel, he chose instead to remain silent thru a dinner in honor of a friend of his who was a spokesman for the PLO. He applauded and praised this friend. When he thought his association with these friends would cost him politically, he lied about those associations. He renounced his preacher, after 20 years of sermons and support from the right reverend wright.
4. John is bipartisan: he is known for reaching across the aisle. While this is frustrating at times, it shows that his intentions are to further the best interests of this nation, even if that means losing support from certain important factions in his own party. He worked closely with and developed a strong friendship with Joe Lieberman, with whom he found support to promote the troop surge, when it was not popular.
d. Upon graduation, having married a successful attorney, Barak dedicated his time to building up partisan community organizations and finding ways to siphon government (tax) funds for these groups to further his own ambitions.
5. John understands economic realities: While he admitted to not knowing enough about economics, he understands enough to recognize that the fundamentals of a strong economy do not involve "spreading the wealth" or punishing achievements. While details can be worked out on exactly how best to preserve our capitalist system (which, by the way, the whole world, socialists and communists included, relies upon for their own prosperity), he will at least try to preserve our capital system.
e. Barak wants to spread the wealth. He has studied how to do so (as opposed to why not to do so). He believes the economy is best strengthened through governmental interference and management. (The same government that, when the purse strings were placed in the hands of the democrats, ran up a debt the size of which the world had never before imagined possible?) A student of socialism and marxism, he has yet to remove the rose-colored glasses to see the reality of things.
6. John is not in bed with the media: While they loved him early on, they turned on him in a heartbeat when they discovered that he really was, after all, a Republican.
f. L.A. Times, San Fransisco Chronicle, NY Times, Washington Post... (Who's this Bill Ayers? Barak said what? When?)
7. John McCain is a practicalist: While he espouses ideals and holds moral values, he understands that reality dictates solutions. He recognizes that certain core ideals and moral values are superior to others because those cores make it possible for other ideals and values to exist and to thrive. i.e., Equality is only possible where liberty is cherished and honored.
g. Barak is idealistic and idealogical: Reality only exists where he says it exists. Equality is the ultimate goal, and can only be accomplished at the expense of liberty. Equality will be served on a golden platter (which you are only allowed to look at and admire from your equally wretched and decripit hut).
Hope this helps! Now go vote!
1 comment:
Fabulous post Sam!
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