Squeeky Cheese
It's here! It's here!
A great blast from my past!
It was supposed to be here Friday, but no one was home to welcome it. The anticipation was too great, and I succumbed to strep throat. It knocked me out all week.
As I was lying here, on my death bed, pondering my very existence, I heard the rumble of a large truck, followed by the screeching of brakes. Mrs. The Practicalist looked at me with big eyes, and said simply, "It's here!" With those words, I suddenly jumped up and landed in my pants (perfect shot) and booked it to the front door, at the exact moment as the double-knock (a knock which had become familiar to us during the Christmas season). Mrs. P opened the door to my view, and there stood the man in brown.
"I just have the one package today," he said. He looked into my eyes, and knew he had one more satisfied customer.
As the door closed, I was in the process of ripping the box open. As the flaps separated, the music cued up: Cheese! Glorious Cheese!
There before my eyes sat FOUR pounds of beautiful yellowish-orange mild cheddar cheese curds.
Now, Mrs. The Practicalist had actually purchased a smaller shipment for Valentine's day. And it was a wonderful surprise, indeed. And they were the first curds I had had in many years.
So what was so special about these?
I grew up in Northern Utah, Cache Valley, to be exact. On the other side of the mountain was a dairy. One day, my mom came home with a big bag of the greatest snack I have ever had in my entire young life. It squeaked as we chewed it, and the flavor was so unique and pure.
We move away when I was still very young. A few years ago, the food channel went to a state fair in Wisconsin and mentioned this "squeaky cheese" that was all the rage there. All of a sudden, I tasted that scrumptious flavor, felt that spongy texture, and heard that soft squeak of the cheese as I sat on the front porch with my brothers passing the bag around.
Well, I found that dairy on line. I ordered that cheese. And I now hold a bag of it, and have to keep wiping off my keyboard.
Get your own!