Greenpeace gone bad? Huh
My wife and I were watching "Without A Trace" on CBS last night. Interesting plot. Boy gets kidnapped. Parents are asked if they have any enemies. Dad: none that he knows of; Mom: lots of them. She is lobbyist for the petroleum industry. OK. That's a start. So have you been getting any threats, lately? Tons every day, she replies. Any violent environmentalist groups? Well, there is this one...
Awww, I hate it when you can so easily eliminate a suspect on these shows, not by any of the usual deductive methods that one would logically use if one were a real detective, but just from knowing how Hollywood works.
See, in the real world, such an extreme environmentalist group might actually be capable of such a horrific act. Trust me, I just read a whole bunch of responses to AlGore's Yahoo-Answers question. (Yeah, Gore, who I thought was soooo smart as to invent such things as the internet and time travel, doesn't even know how to keep the sun from fluctuating it's temperatures to stop this global warming trend that is going is going to kill us all tomor---
Ha gotcha. No, he posed a question online about how to best attack all us non-believers - presumably in a figurative way - and got a whole laundry list of mindless zombies, some of them quite aggravated at me.)
Anyway, I asked my wife what the chances were that this environmentalist group had anything to do with the boy's abduction. She just gave me that 'yeah, right!' look. So we then began speculating about who is actually going to get blamed for this and determined that it is either some right wing petroleum group trying to protect themselves since this lobbyist is probably actually going Benedict Arnold on them, or some business-type people upset with the minimum wage increase and the effects it will have on their roughnecks.
We were close. It turns out the Dad was going turncoat on his pharmaceuticals company, and that made some pro-business people (who of course must be wackier than any hey-dude-greenpeace wacko) very uncomfortable.
Suprise, suprise.
Thanks, Hollywood, for another unexpected twist!