Two paths diverged in a wood...
And Harry "majority leader" Reed took whichever one the President didn't (or won't, or might not). Once again, with no thought or consideration for reality, mr. reed jumped all over the cut'n'run bandwagon, which left the stage before the race was even begun. President Bush has not announced his strategy for Iraq yet, but Harry "the Moron" Reed, allowing his vile hatred and contempt for the duly elected leader of the free world to prevail over common sense or reason, is already lambasting it. I got the opportunity to listen to Lieberman and the eternal presidential candidate, McCain, speak to the need for more troops. There was actually a little common sense in their comments, especially as it relates to the need for more troops.
I will admit that I am one who felt like we should have left as soon as Saddam was gone, told the Iraqis to throw something together, with the threat that we'll be back if what they come up with is in any way a threat to our national security. But, we didn't. We attempted a more respectable approach. If you tear someone's house down, it is generally accepted practice to give them another one. So, we pursued that approach. How successfully we have done that is anyone's guess, since the only people who have any actual first hand knowledge of the situation are only seeing what will promote their point of view.
McCain, however, pointed out that the reason we cannot simply pull out now is that to do so would be perceived as a defeat by our men and women in uniform. He further pointed out that it is much more difficult to rebuild and manage a defeated military than a victorious one (re: post Vietnam). He feels that it is still possible to be victorious, but to do so would require more uniformed heroes on the ground. Although such a build up would be more expensive, the long term effects would far outweigh the costs. Additionally, once committed, commanders should not have to make decisions based on what's available, but on what is the best way to succeed. It is therefore imperative, per McCain, that we provide them with whatever resources they feel will bring success, without fear of the bill. I found this to be an interesting, and somewhat persuasive approach.
mr. reed, however, offered no explanation for his desire to cut'n'run except that our military men and women deserve to come home. Come home to what, mr. reed? To people like you giving them a sympathetic arm around the shoulders, saying, 'oh, it's ok that you lost. It isn't your fault, it's your commander in chief's fault.' Or to your co-leftists who will only give them the cold shoulder, as they can't stand that these men and women dutifully followed the orders of their leaders, and had the gaul to follow thru with their military sworn oaths and commitments? Yeah, that's a sure fire way to maintain morale in the military. It's also a wonderful strategy for guaranteeing our security here at home. Oh, and what a wonderful way to win the trust of the rest of world. ("Oh, there now, see, we told you those stupid Americans couldn't handle it.")
Once again, mr. reed, you have clearly showed your love of power and politics above honor, duty, commitment, loyalty, respect, and reality. This is further evidence that you have simply duped the electorate into voting on emotion rather than logic and common sense.