Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Coulter... Controversial?! Say it isn't so!

OK. Personally, I don't much care for Ann Coulter. I understand what she is saying, and why she is saying it. Sometimes, I appreciate that she says some of the things she does. I have no problem with her speaking impassionately. For the most part, I think she is politically correct (although not necessarily in the contemporary context of that term). I guess I should rather say I think she is correct, politically. But sometimes, I wish she would just shutup. I would say that about several of the conservative commentators, as well. I know what it is like to try to make a point on the fly. You begin talking before your thoughts are complete and in order. Consequently, the way you word those thoughts can sound very immature or reactionary. I am afraid that Coulter suffers from many such unfortunate moments. But I appreciate what one writer said... something to the effect that she shocks us into dialogue over some important, but often taboo, subjects.

Unfortunately, she is also victim of editorial privilege. He who writes the news gets to shape it in whatever way he wishes. Without going directly to the source of her comments, particularly this last one about wishing John Edwards was killed by a terrorist assassination plot, many editors are allowing the comment to be understood as a personal wish of hers.

One in particular specifically states that she wished he was killed by assassins. Talk about fodder, Edward's campaign jumped all over it and raised millions of dollars. But what she really said was basically that if Bill Maher could publicly state his personal and sincere opinion that the world would be a better place if terrorists had killed our Vice President while he was in Afghanistan, to which there was very little public discussion, then maybe she can get away with saying that she hopes Edwards is killed in an assassination plot. This cannot seriously be taken as any sincere desire of hers, but only as an illustration of the hypocrisy of the left and those who determine what is to be public discourse. The current outrage certainly illustrates her point much better even than she did. Liberal Maher announces that he would have appreciated terrorists killing our VP, and nothing is said, while Conservative Coulter says what do you think would happen if I said I wish a presidential nobody candidate was assassinated, and the sh** hits the fan (as my mother used to say). I'd like someone to please justify this one to me.

Yeah, right.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tag! I'm it.

What was I doing 10 years ago...
Enjoying my new wife.
What was I doing 1 year ago...
Learning to drive a bus.
5 snacks that I enjoy...
Dry roasted peanuts. (Preferably Planters)
Potato Chips.
Cheeto's new Cheesy Popcorn Puffs!
Black licorice.
Popcorn. (Quick story... When I was a boy, we had a tradition of making popcorn every Sunday evening. One day we didn't have any to pop, so my dad sent me to go ask the neighbor for... popcorn!?)

5 Songs I know the lyrics to...
The Devil Went Down to Georgia (he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, cuz he was way behind...)
The Star Spangled Banner
The Lady in Red
My Ding-a-Ling
My Little Buttercup

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
Finish school.
Buy a nice pen.
Buy a nice watch.
Get my suits taylored.
Ask my wife what I can do with the rest.

5 bad habits...
Snacking too much.
Chewing my nails.
Watching TV.
Dreaming of bigger things.
Clicking my teeth.
5 things I would never wear again...
Saddle back shoes.
Jeans with great big gaping holes in the knees.
Jordache jeans.
The same underwear three days in a row.
Silk shirt.

5 toys I love...
My laptop.
My vertical smoker.
My flyswatter.
My wife.

Tag to... uh... uh... hmmm.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Do you hear that? If not, hold on, you might just be slow. (If you still can't hear it, hit Refresh... or turn on your speakers. Or, you might just have to scroll to the bottom to get it to start playing... but then come back here, and enjoy.)

Hear it now? OK, good.

That, my friends, is satisfaction. Sweet, sad, soft satisfaction. That is the pinnacle of a quest which has lasted me for more than a quarter of a century.

Just listen...


In case you're a little perplexed as to why this is such a special moment, let me reference you to an earlier post. HOLD ON. Wait until the song is over. You just can't interrupt a classic such as this.




OK. Now. (Come back when you are done.)

Almost exactly what had been running thru my head all these years, except I just couldn't remember all the words. So sweet and melodic, and sad, sad, sad.

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

Now, if you'll scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a green box. These are just some other old faves. They brought me joy throughout the years. Feel free to click on any of them at any time.

When I was a wee one, I think the first radio song I ever learned to sing was "Seasons in the Sun". Again, here it is, in all its ballad-ical glory.

The Numbers Are In