Breaking News: Mormons are not Baptists
Mitt Romney: "Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind."
Translation: "Mitt Romney does not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind."
Mitt Romney: Religions differ on their beliefs about Christ, and "each religion has its own unique doctrines."
Translation: "Mormons are not Christians"
Following this logic, let's try this one...
Bible: Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness, submitting his will to God; whereupon God spoke "Behold My Beloved Son"; whereupon the the Spirit descended like a dove.
Translation: Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are one.
Christ: "Except a man be born of the water and of spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God"
Translation: "Baptism is highly encouraged, but if your particular brand of mainstream Christianity doesn't require it, you'll probably be OK... unless your Mormon, in which case, although baptism is an essential ordinance for your salvation, and you are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, you won't be meeting your "born again" friends in heaven."
Mormon: I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I weekly renew my promise to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
Translation: Because I am not Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Mennonite, Unitarian, Easter and Christmas-ist, Evangelical, etc., I am not Christian.
OK, OK. I'll show some mercy here...
It just seems that all Mitt was admitting to was that Mormons are not Baptists, just like Methodists are not Presbytarians.