The First Non-Mormon President
Regardless of what happens in these primaries, the next president will be very unique. We will either have the first black president, the first female president, the first Mormon president, the oldest president, or the first non-Mormon president. Huh?!
Yes, the first non-Mormon president. Mitt Romney is an able leader. He has the experience, expertise, ideology, and demeanor to be a great president. So do most of the other Republican candidates. Even Huckabee could be a decent president (although a little populist). And if Romney were anything but a Mormon, Huckabee would still be sitting in the back of the pack. There is no doubt and virtually no argument that the Huck's Iowa win came from the evangelicals. Evangelicals do not like Mormons. Evangelicals love their neighbors, and will go fishing with them and loan them their lawn mowers, and give them a cup of sugar, until they find out that the neighbor is a Mormon. Then the neighbor is going to Hell, no questions asked. Then the neighbor gets postcards from "the Mormon temple" "on behalf of Mitt" with half-truths and misreprentations about the Mormon doctrine. Then the neighbor's kids don't get picked for the backyard pick-up game. Then the highly qualified neighbor gets passed over for neighborhood association or PTA president for someone who speaks a little more "Christian". Then the highly qualified presidential candidate gets passed over for someone who is a little more... "not Mormon".
For most people, this sounds like sour grapes. I can concede that. But many of you "know what I am talking about." I worked with a good man. We talked about morals and values and family and our faith in Christ. He was impressed with my views, and naturally asked me where I attended church. I told him I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His face changed. "Oh." "Still think you'll see me in Heaven?" I asked.
"No," he replied.
"Is that because you won't be there?"
"Oh, I'll be there."
"I see. So I won't?"
"Even though I believe in Christ and have accepted Him as my savior?"
"Even though I have been baptized and try to keep His commandments?"
"No chance, huh?"
Romney still stands a good chance. He has been running a smart campaign. Unfortunately, some ignorance just can't be reasoned away.
McCain may do well. Huckabee will continue to suck votes away from Romney. Interestingly, Huckabee is not the only one benefiting from the Mormon thang. Many evangelicals and other Christians are voting for McCain simply because they are more comfortable with him than with a Mormon.
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