America's New Top...Smurfette?
I was just cruisin' thru the wwweb when I spotted this (highlighted for your convenience):
Out of the millions of searches being done... Smurfs?!!
Well, OK...I must admit, its been a while, but I really enjoyed them, even though they were subliminal pawns of Communism infiltrating Saturday morning cartoons to indoctrinate young minds to overthrow the establishment in violent revolution and become all equals in the glorious new Order of the All Things Red. I figured I was safe since the Smurfs were blue, and they were all in love with Smurfette (who was pretty sexy, even for a Smurf). I didn't think Communists were allowed to love.
I think the real story turned out to be that the Smurfs were the subliminal pawns of commune hippies, man, like infiltrating "Saturday. Morning. Cartoons." (wink, wink), man, so, like young minds can be, like, be free, y'know, and all individual, like, so they can, like, all grow their hair long and moppy and wear round sunglasses and play folk music on guitars and citars, thus frustrating the whole "establishment", man, thereby stickin' it to "The Man", man, and fight the whole oncoming ice age thing by then getting "jobs" and "careers" and buying SUV's so they can, like, warm the planet and save us all from total extinction and annihilation, man.
Whichever story was true, I guess it worked.
Like mother, like son...Mom didn't like us watching Sesame Street because she thought it was run by the commies too!
I feel all icky inside now, man. This was one of my favorite shows ever and I never got the whole communist thing-I sitll don't.
Far out man. Next time I see you I'll teach you how to rap like a hippie. You sound like a valley girl man. bummer man. Freaks like me and my old lady (wife) remember.
Just so everyone knows I his father and law. I loved the Smurfs. Of corse with four stations to watch. it was a good choice. remember Papa was in charge.
I searched "smurfs" once. I came up with a site that "proved" they were commie propaganda. Good for a laugh.
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