Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Breaking News: Biden's Blunderings Redacted

I found a copy of Biden's notes for the speech writer. Though you might find this interesting:

"1. Let's see if we can't beef up this Obama plan a little. Like: You want
something? He'll give it to you. Free health care? It's yours. Cheap college?
You got it. Tax breaks? Yours. Barbecue'd ribs on every table and a hybrid
midget car in every garage? Yeah, baby! (Note: Scratch that last one... and get
me some of those ribs)

2. Let's see: a. The Bush administration has been
an abysmal failure. 2. Barak's positions are right because Bush is doing what
Barak said should be done. Hmmmm.
(I know the logical conclusion is either
that Barak's positions are abysmally felacious or that Bush's administration is
doing the right thing. But, just see if you can't hide them both in there.)

3. I know that I compared McCain's position on Afghanistan three years ago (when the oppressive Taliban
had been run out of town and a democratically elected government was looking
promising) with Obama's position less than two years ago (when things started looking a little sour), but, you know, I
mean, what else am I supposed to do when my guy just doesn't have a whole lot of
positive foreign policy statements?

4. Put something in there about how
much I love and respect McCain, so I can at least get the "bless his heart" in
there before I talk about how just sucks.

Oh, and, uh, change, uh...
something something token change, and uh, let's make change! Or something like

Don't worry about making it coherent. Just get a few "Bush sucks!"
in there."

NOTE about his actual speech:
I will admit when I have been impressed. The first half of Biden's speech impressed me. The introduction by his son, and Biden's comments about his family and the lessons he learned from his parents and his overcoming obstacles gave me a new level of respect for Joe. Unfortunately, he somehow turned that into an "entitlement" speech, and then went off into misstated comparisons, etc., as you can see in those speechwriter notes. So now, instead of a major as$ho^e, he's been demoted to lieutenant as$ho^e.

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