Sunday, August 05, 2007

Arkie, thru and thru?

This is cool. I have added a link to my side bar to a cool website where you can take a 34 Question survey and find out which candidates you match up with. Low and Behold... I got this guy>

That's right... Mike Huckabee, formerly an Arkansas Gubernator.

Looks like he found it a little ironic, too.

Not too far behind him was Fred Thompson. (Down, Bato, Down)

My man Sam B. was right there in the pack, as was Mitt.

As I said... Interesting...

Frighteningly, I agreed with 49% of Joey Biden?!

Algore wasn't even on the list. Whew!


MAE said...

I got Duncan Hunter (??) as my top candidate, (87.5%) follwed closely by Fred Thompson, (85.29%) and then Mitt! (83.82%).

Maybe I need to look harder at Mitt. It's just that whole Yankee thing with him. Maybe if I saw him eat some grits.

Joubert said...

I got Fred Thompson 89.95% but Huckabee is probably the nicest and most honest and decent candidate. I pinched this and hat-tipped you.

The Numbers Are In