Monday, April 02, 2007

Cheap kicks

OK. In case you haven't noticed (the three of you who actually look at my site), I have stayed away from politics for a while. That is partly because I have other important things going on, like samokin' meats, and other stuff (school, work, fixing the stupid van, spending time with the family, shooing flies, watching grass grow, and so on). I happened to glance at Chris Matthews (has anyone else noticed he's starting to look less round and more decrepit?)

(Just kidding!)

(Here's the real comparison.)

and just couldn't stomach the blatant group kickfest at the expense of the president. Republicans may have been incompetent, but at they weren't dangerous. Dems just seem to be there to play the game. Listen to the words being spewed by any one of them, and you will find very little that has to do with the reality of whatever situation they are addressing. Rather, you will find carefully chosen and timed phrases that do nothing more than give either the party or the person, or sometimes the idea, a crafted edge in a political game. I have a hard time seeing how anything they say has any basis in actual public policy. Think about it. The "little guy" gets mentioned all the time, but never benefits from any of the talk. The Dems have done nothing for the "little guy" (oh yeah, there was the raise to give three people in all of America their first raise in ten years).

I couldn't take it. But don't worry. Once my life settles back down to absolute doldrum, I'll start paying attention again. In the meantime, go Romney!

I do love Algore, though. Who couldn't? He's a big geeky looking teddy bear of a man with a lisp whose fur has been all rubbed into annoying little balls from getting kicked across the floor, and who travels the country in his own private jet to get the rest of us to quit using our private jets or face a future of continual swimwear. Give the man a Nobel Prize (that'll shut him up).

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