Saturday, April 21, 2007

I Deliver!

I searched and searched. At first, all I could find was a hippo in a bikini...

But I knew that would not be enough for my devoted readers. So I kept searching, thru hundreds of disturbing pictures, to find this...

A monkey in a hula skirt (with a bikini top?)

Something told me this still wouldn't be enough for Big Mac, so I continued on my virtual safari. I finally found...

Are you happy now?!

Thanks, I think I'll go take a shower.


MAE said...

How about a midget in a bikini?

The Practicalist said...

Hey, Bato. Welcome Back. I don't know if I want to look for anymore bikini anything. Ugh! You'd think it would be a pleasant search, but as you can see from the pictures... Eeewwww.

Big Mac said...

I would have been fine with the hula monkey but that hippo is awesome!!!!I think little Brother would love that. Thanks so much!!!!

Phae-Jae said...

You shouldn't put pictures of me on your website, like that, dear.

The Numbers Are In