Raising (Mc)Cain
As I have stated before, I am still not jumping wholly behind one candidate. That said, I will admit that I am currently partial to Romney. However, I respect a few others as well, which is great, because if one of them wins the primary, then I won't feel so awkward getting on board. Unlike Bush, who, while I wasn't crazy about during the primaries, looked a heckuvalot better than the alternative in the real race.
I didn't cry, or gasp, or shudder, or even flinch at the news that McCain's campaign seemed to be downsizing. I didn't care, really, except that I like to see things get changed up. Sort of like watching a 500 mile auto race. There are a few exciting moments when someone finally slips past somebody else, otherwise I'm just thankful for remote controls (or kids who will get up and stand there changing channels back and forth until I see something else to watch).
Well, this fellow thinks McCain is back... or never was out... or got done with the bathroom... or something like that. He relies on the fact that McCain spoke to an unexpectedly larger crowd in New Hampshire, while admitting that many of those folks who were there were not necessarily supporters. While I understand his enthusiasm (he is a campaign worker), I must admit that this did nothing to give me the impression that McCain was faring better than expected. After all, this is in New Hampshire, a very important state, and McCain is a very well-know, well-respected figure in national politics, regardless of where you live. Heck, I'd like to go see the man, just to say I was there, and saw the man. McCain is a name that will be around long after these elections. And he was a POW, which is another reason to honor the man with your presence. These are reasons the writer had to set out more chairs. I'd venture to say that he'd probably have to have set out almost that many even if the Senator wasn't running for the White House.
As I said, McCain is a fine man, and I'd have no real issues getting behind him if he emerged as the Republican candidate. At this point, however, I wouldn't be disappointed if he just faded out of the race. But if your looking for signs of a heartbeat, sir, it would appear you may be counting off your own thumb.
Thanks for the comment at Azamatterofact and the link to my article. I think with all the negative publicity about the McCain campaign, the fact that it has a pulse is actually doing better than expected. BTW just so no one gets the wrong impression I am a volunteer and do not work for the McCain campaign in any official capacity.
Good point. I took a look at the poll numbers (Link on the top left) after writing this post, and didn't realize just how far he had fallen.
Sorry about giving the wrong impression. That is cool and exciting that you are volunteering. I am looking forward to when I get into a position to do that.
I love the music! I was working from my lap top last time and didn't have the speakers on. If you want to check back at Azamatterofact you can watch a video clip that includes King Kone, my son, his friend and my quote in the Manchester Union Leader.
btw...the actual link for "this fellow thinks McCain is back" is http://azamatterofact.blogspot.com/2007/08/mccain-in-nh-standing-room-only.html
You have linked to the comments/trackbacks and not my actual post.
Sorry about that. It has been corrected now.
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