Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So... Who are the 79?

The House, in a "bold" attempt to condemn politics, declared MoveOn's Betrayus ad a betrayal. While I agree that it is contemptuous, dispicable, disgusting, ugly, filthy, treasonous, dishonest, loathsome, hate-filled, immature, slanderous, revolting, repulsive, sickening, ghastly, sordid, horrid, nauseating, vile, foul, abhorrent, detestable, and distasteful, I think it is almost equally poor taste for the media to allow Democrats to so anonymously play politics with the issue.

If you read the article, you will not find a single mention of any of the 79 reps who voted against this condemnation. I mean, as soon as I saw that there were 79 people in all of America who would even think this was OK, my first thought is "why?", and then the immediate follow up question, "who?" Naturally, Mr. Media felt it was not in my best interest to know the answers to those questions. Or perhaps he is merely tired of doing all the reporting work for me, and is trying to help me hone my own investigative skills. Perhaps he thinks I am just too lazy. (He may have a point there.) Regardless, I thought this is why we pay him (or, well, somebody pays him).

The other problem with this whole vote is that, unless the vote is recorded as a roll call, it is OK for any Democrat to safely appear appalled by the ad without actually biting off the hand that feeds him/her.

Maybe I'll get off my butt and look it up. Maybe I won't. Won't matter, anyway. If I do it, the only people who will know the truth will be the two or three of you who are still with me. Maybe instead, the three of us can get together with torches and storm this reporter's castle... or play Madden 2007.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Do you mind? I'm watching a game, here!

Growing up in Tulsa, you have what is referred to as "The Big Four": Oklahoma Sooners, Oklahoma State Cowboys, Tulsa Hurricane, and Arkansas Razorbacks. If you are a wealthy snobbish golf-in-your-spare-time upper crustacean, you naturally root for the Sooners. If you are a laid back farm-grown good ol' boy, you are a Cowboy.

Oh, the other two?

Well, Arkansas is a long way away, but there's just something about them.

If you've got nothing going on a Saturday night, you can probably score a couple of complimentary tickets to the Tulsa game. Of course, you'll probably want to ask who they're playing... not that it matters.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool to root for the Hurricane (don't ask me why 'Hurricane' in the middle of Tornado country... and its the Golden Hurricane... single entity... no 's').

Tulsa has seldom been anything to get embarrassed about. They have a great quarterback program, and when they get some good support, they put on a tremendous aerial show. Now and again, they give "The Big Two" of "The Big Four" a good run for the money accompanied by a respectable upset.

After outscoring BYU last week, Tulsa is taking on Boomer Sooner in Tulsa tonight. As the wife and kids have abandoned me, I thought I would relax and take it in. The game is going fine. Tulsa actually looked pretty good there for the first half of the first quarter. Cool. If they can spank OU tonight, the economy of the entire state will probably take a two week slump as business execs decide whether to fire the coach or just take down the four-story banners.

But I guess it was already a foregone conclusion by the ESPN2 folks that Tulsa's butt was in the process of being kicked. To pass the time between commercials, they spent the entire second half of the first quarter, and then the first half of the second quarter discussing why Notre Dame sucks this year. Notre Dame!? The absolute worst team in college football (this is not an opinion, it is actually documented)!?

If this game means so little to you that you've got to call two former Notre Dame coaches just to have something to talk about... how about you just SHUT UP!!! It's not like you're contributing anything anyway. You don't even need to be here. I think I can figure out what's happening on my own.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

You're WHERE?!

If you're not into bathroom humor... don't worry. This isn't that bad.

So, I walk into this bathroom, and from the stall, I hear this:

"Hey, Man."

Was he talking to me?

"You doin' all right?"


That's when it hit me. He's on a cell phone...

sitting on the pot...

And then (here comes the punch line, sitting on the pot, talking on the phone)...

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Friday, September 14, 2007

Who to Listen to?

OK, like, once there was a politician, an "independent" analyst, and a four star general, and a genie. Well, no genie. But the others were there. So, OK, like, they are prognosticating over the success of, like, this war, right?

The politician says, "Like, I was against it from the beginning, so you should, y'know, listen to my analysis."

The "independent" analyst says, "Like, I am getting paid for my analysis, so like, there is no bias in my analysis, yo."

And the four star general says,

"No one is more conscious of the loss of life than the commander of the forces. That is something I take and feel very deeply. And if I did not think that this was a hugely important endeavor, and if I did not think that it was an endeavor in which we could succeed, I would not have testified as I did to you all here today."

You decide who has more credibility.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Inside Scoop

I've got an inside scoop. How often does that happen?
But in my generousness, I have decided to share it with you, so that you, like me, may have an inside view.

My buddy over at Azzamatterofact (see the sidebar) is buddies with the great John McCain. Well, maybe not buddies, but he has spoken with him, more than once (I think). OK, well, he works on the campaign, but he knows what is going on with the man's campaign. It's still more than you've got.

Anyway, I promised him that if he would keep us up to date on McCain's campaign, I'd link to him.
(Disclaimer) This is not an endorsement of John McCain, yet. It is for entertainment purposes only, and not to be used as toilet paper or currency.

Actually, I watched McCain on George Snuffaluffagus's's's morning show, and was in admiration of his stance on the importance of this war. He handled himself, and George, very well. I don't remember exactly what it is that I'm not crazy about him for. I'm also too lazy right now to think too much about it, or go look for it. But I do know that I have been (oh, yeah, his boneheaded campaign finance reform, for starters) an admirer of his military stance, especially after he and Alf's dad, Sen. Lieberman, came out in support of the proposed surge. McCain understands the significance of both victory and defeat. We will do well to understand that, as well.

Whoever gets the Republican nomination should adopt McCain's stance regarding this war. There is a big hole in the center of NYC to remind us why.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

No Offense to Osama...

But I'd have to say that, while your little speech delivered from Chamber 16 of Cave 321b, in the barren rocks of Northern Pakistan, gave us much to blog about, it did little in the way of intimidation. See, I am sitting in my soft leather sofa, watching the Cowboys take on the Giants, in a 77 degree air conditioned living room, having just recently come in from a leisurely 50 mile drive around the beautiful green hills of NW Arkansas. I was able to enjoy another Sunday contemplating my relationship with God, and enjoying the companionship of my wife and children.

And while you may consider yourself somewhat of a leader, exercising loose control over a ragtag bunch of hate-filled naive footsoldiers who skank around in the shadows because they know they'd get their butts kicked in any sort of physical matchup with a real American, I can sleep tonight knowing there are thousands of honorable men and women whose strength comes from service as they willingly defend my ability to evaluate the merits of your invitation to convert to your religion, and confidently decline said invite.

John Kerry is certain that I am insulted that you are still able to make such a video. John Kerry is a moron, who is insulted that you did not mention him by name.

So, Mr. bin, while we are having this little dialogue, let me extend this invitation to you. You are hereby cordially invited to get down on your knees and kiss my [insert body part here (I'll say Big Toe)].


p.s. If this little message offends you or your followers, please reference the previous paragraph.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm a Dhimmi, He's Dhimmi, Wouldncha Like to Be a Dhimmi, Too

Captain's Quarters has a rather succinct summary of Osama Helpme GetLaden's latest request for America's surrender.
It seems like the Democrats can't even deliver when it comes to surrender. How can they expect to run the most powerful country on earth?

This is the first time I have heard the word Dhimmi, but it's kinda catchy, don't ya think.
I'm not sure just exactly what it means, but it seems like something Herr Osama wants us to become.
Could you see me as a Dhimmi? I wonder where you would put that on a resume.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Run, Fred, Run

Well, Freddy joined the hunt. I know he's done well in the blogosphere, and he has been campaigning outside of the campaign, which people really love. (I think it results from a fear of jumping on a bandwagon, and losing credibility in conversations.) I'm not sure how that will translate in the real world. I can't say as I am an avid fan. I just don't see him as president. On one hand, I fear that his appearance and mannerisms will result in another Bob Dull campaign. On the other hand, where Dole was a liberal Repub, Thompson is certainly not.

What I do like is the perspective he brings to the mix of candidates. This is always good. I like that he admits that he does not have all the answers to our problems, but that no one else does, either. I think that he brings a level of practicality to the field. If the others are smart, and I think some of them are, they will analyze why he has such support, and find a way to internalize some of his platform into their own. If they can pull it off without being disingenuous (and I think it can be done at this early stage), they can nab some of his support, add it to what they already have, and emerge as a viable candidate.

I really don't think there is such a divergence between him and Romney, that Romney can't garnish Fred's supporters. As I've said before, Romney is more winnable in the North, while not necessarily loseable in the South. Fred will have a harder time in the North, especially in some states (MA?) where the Repub would need to grab votes.

Most of their stances are pretty similar. True, Romney's have changed recently, but they honestly do not think the changes were disingenuous. Romney believes what he is campaigning on. Other than the Mormon issue, which Mitt will need to address again, the two aren't all that far apart.

What I am a little nervous about with Fred is that he appears ideologically driven. It may be unfair to say that without some more research on my part, but I'm going to say it here, anyway. I think, as Repubs, we have a good mixture of ideas. I only hope we do not allow ideology to overshadow reality. Sometimes reality is a harder sell, but it pays off well in the long run.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bear With Me

I have to apologize to my faithful few. School has started back up and so my focus has been more appropriately elsewhere, lately. I try to keep up with things politick, but just don't get much chance to comment. While taking a full load of school, I am also working 3 jobs for about 30 work hours a week (still much less than when I was in undergrad). I blog when I can, but y'know, nurturing a strong family relationship requires a little time away from the laptop. I like my wife, and I think she likes me, too. I want to keep it that way. My chitlins are growing up behind my back. They all have birthdays coming up in the next three months, and I have tried to bargain with them to let them have a birthday so long as they promise to quit growing up. They're not willing to cooperate with that (and yet they still want to have a birthday...).

On another note, I forgot to mention that I grilled dolphin last weekend. I am not a fish-eater. I don't know why, either. I used to love fish as a kid. I remember liking it, and I don't remember what caused me to change. I would like to like fish. This dolphin helped me begin to accomplish that. I marinated it in some yellow carolina BBQ sauce (they like mustardy italian dressing for BBQ sauce out east. Makes for a better marinade than a dipping sauce, in my never to be humble opinion). Then I grilled it over some pretty hot lump charcoal until it started to flake, then flipped it over to grill the skin side for a few minutes. I tell you what, it was some pretty darn good eats. Tasted a little sweet, actually. My buddy has some more cuts (he caught it in So.Car. this summer), so I'm sure I'll be roasting up some more. I downed it along with a thick cut t-bone steak, grilled to perfection, along with some grilled onion (slice it thick, drizzle w/ olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary, then grill until translucent), fresh mashed potatoes, and corn.

I know it wasn't a smoke, but boy was it a good grilling!

Happy eats!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Hello? Hogs? Hello?

Sorry, I was just calling the Hogs. Don't know that they were answering, though.

Thanks to a great friend of mine, I got to attend the opening game for my Razorbacks. "We" played Troy (yeah, I had to wonder the same thing... not sure just where they are from, either). It was a great time, fun atmosphere. Whenever Mr. Obnoxious, who sat two rows down, would sit down, the seats were really great. They were on the 25 yard line, looking almost directly down on the field. I think most people stay sitting out of fear that if you lean too far forward you might just fall straight down on top of the home team. The stadium is built in a way that every seat is a good one.

I'm a little concerned with the way this season is going to turn out. McFadden is a powerhouse, as is Jones. "We" can run the ball, and... let's see... "we" can run the ball... and then there is the run. That about sums up the team this season.

On another note...

remember my post about the wonderful man (?) who designed the Chevy Astro van? Yeah, he stuck it to me again. This time, its the A/C tube. Guess where the hole is... yeah, under the dog house.

I brought the van in to the mechanic down the road, told him my a/c wasn't working. No problem, he said, we'll just hook it up to this here machine that will spend a few hours sucking out the old freon and adding new, along with some dye, so that "we" can check it later if it starts running out of freon again. I'm OK with paying a mechanic a fair wage, but machines just don't have wives and kids at home, and, imo, shouldn't be charging me the same hourly rate. I can give it money to go get a sno cone or something, but c'mon. Anyway, after $175 of personalized machine service, we were,once again, enjoying the comforts of warm air blowing at max in the middle of the summer.

We made it to a good friend of mine, who looked under the hood, then climbed under the van, reached his hand up, and felt the big wide gaping hole where the tube rubbed up against the transmission. Fortunately, he didn't charge me for his 2 1/2 minutes of mechanic diagnosis (although I would have gladly paid it).

Now, why is it that the guy I pay to fix the air has to hood it up to a sucking machine for two hours, just to SEE if there might actually be a leak (isn't that why I brought it in?), but then didn't look to SEE if there was actually a leak, and my friend, who is not (yet) a paid mechanic could find it by simply reaching up and touching the hole?

Now, I get the privilege of paying some $400 to replace a tube, which wouldn't be quite so bad if it wasn't in ADDITION to the $175 of wasted freon.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Record Setting Month!!

I have been blogging for about a year and a half now. I have not done a whole lot to promote this site, and sometime it gets a little frustrating to see how few people view it. But I use it primarily to think things through, and develop my thoughts, and sometimes fish for input and dialogue. Sometimes, I have gotten some really nice dialogue, which has caused me to reconsider a few things. I like that.

Well, this month was my best so far, as far as numbers go. It rivaled April, which shows to have gotten one more visit. But in April, I didn't have the counter set to not count many of my visits. For all of August, my visits didn't count, and I still came in with 174 visits, only one shy of April's visits.

So, thank you. And welcome to the few of you who have found my site, and returned, and commented (especially welcome to Shoprat and Redneck).

The Numbers Are In