So... Who are the 79?
The House, in a "bold" attempt to condemn politics, declared MoveOn's Betrayus ad a betrayal. While I agree that it is contemptuous, dispicable, disgusting, ugly, filthy, treasonous, dishonest, loathsome, hate-filled, immature, slanderous, revolting, repulsive, sickening, ghastly, sordid, horrid, nauseating, vile, foul, abhorrent, detestable, and distasteful, I think it is almost equally poor taste for the media to allow Democrats to so anonymously play politics with the issue.
If you read the article, you will not find a single mention of any of the 79 reps who voted against this condemnation. I mean, as soon as I saw that there were 79 people in all of America who would even think this was OK, my first thought is "why?", and then the immediate follow up question, "who?" Naturally, Mr. Media felt it was not in my best interest to know the answers to those questions. Or perhaps he is merely tired of doing all the reporting work for me, and is trying to help me hone my own investigative skills. Perhaps he thinks I am just too lazy. (He may have a point there.) Regardless, I thought this is why we pay him (or, well, somebody pays him).
The other problem with this whole vote is that, unless the vote is recorded as a roll call, it is OK for any Democrat to safely appear appalled by the ad without actually biting off the hand that feeds him/her.
Maybe I'll get off my butt and look it up. Maybe I won't. Won't matter, anyway. If I do it, the only people who will know the truth will be the two or three of you who are still with me. Maybe instead, the three of us can get together with torches and storm this reporter's castle... or play Madden 2007.