Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bear With Me

I have to apologize to my faithful few. School has started back up and so my focus has been more appropriately elsewhere, lately. I try to keep up with things politick, but just don't get much chance to comment. While taking a full load of school, I am also working 3 jobs for about 30 work hours a week (still much less than when I was in undergrad). I blog when I can, but y'know, nurturing a strong family relationship requires a little time away from the laptop. I like my wife, and I think she likes me, too. I want to keep it that way. My chitlins are growing up behind my back. They all have birthdays coming up in the next three months, and I have tried to bargain with them to let them have a birthday so long as they promise to quit growing up. They're not willing to cooperate with that (and yet they still want to have a birthday...).

On another note, I forgot to mention that I grilled dolphin last weekend. I am not a fish-eater. I don't know why, either. I used to love fish as a kid. I remember liking it, and I don't remember what caused me to change. I would like to like fish. This dolphin helped me begin to accomplish that. I marinated it in some yellow carolina BBQ sauce (they like mustardy italian dressing for BBQ sauce out east. Makes for a better marinade than a dipping sauce, in my never to be humble opinion). Then I grilled it over some pretty hot lump charcoal until it started to flake, then flipped it over to grill the skin side for a few minutes. I tell you what, it was some pretty darn good eats. Tasted a little sweet, actually. My buddy has some more cuts (he caught it in So.Car. this summer), so I'm sure I'll be roasting up some more. I downed it along with a thick cut t-bone steak, grilled to perfection, along with some grilled onion (slice it thick, drizzle w/ olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary, then grill until translucent), fresh mashed potatoes, and corn.

I know it wasn't a smoke, but boy was it a good grilling!

Happy eats!


shoprat said...

I am currently dealing with a Library computer, thanks to a less than stellar replacement modem I got yesterday from my IPS. I too am not spending much time on line.

mindyluwho said...

I'll miss your frequent posts. I always like coming here and getting a little stimulation politically, since that's not my natural line of thought!

I had Mahi Mahi (sp?) once, isn't that the same as dolphin? It was pretty good, but I must have had a bit of an allergy because it made my lip swell.

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