Saturday, September 01, 2007

Record Setting Month!!

I have been blogging for about a year and a half now. I have not done a whole lot to promote this site, and sometime it gets a little frustrating to see how few people view it. But I use it primarily to think things through, and develop my thoughts, and sometimes fish for input and dialogue. Sometimes, I have gotten some really nice dialogue, which has caused me to reconsider a few things. I like that.

Well, this month was my best so far, as far as numbers go. It rivaled April, which shows to have gotten one more visit. But in April, I didn't have the counter set to not count many of my visits. For all of August, my visits didn't count, and I still came in with 174 visits, only one shy of April's visits.

So, thank you. And welcome to the few of you who have found my site, and returned, and commented (especially welcome to Shoprat and Redneck).

1 comment:

Joubert said...

Reciprocal links work wonders.

The Numbers Are In